
Everything you need to know about Phobos Client

Phobos 1.9.0 CLEAN -

Important Information

Latest public version: v1.9.0

Price: Free

Is Safe: Depends

Developers: Crystallinqq, oHare, 3arthqu4ke, some others


Phobos was formerly a private client that boasted the best AutoCrystal in the anarchy community. However Crystallinqq was token logged which led to Travis, the developer of Wurst+2 leaking it. In order to stop the client for being sold for profit the client was released on several discords. This set in motion the Phobos Incident.

The client has one of the most overpowered AutoCrystals in all of anarchy and features many different useful combat modules.

Many individuals attempt to RAT people by creating fake "leaks" of the client. A prime example of this was the 1.9.0 leak on YouTube which was quickly exposed as a RAT. As such it is advised to only download Phobos from legitimate sources.

Last updated