
Common words/phrases you may hear but not understand

  • Skid - A skid is a word to describe an action in which a induvial steals code from a source for their own software. It can also be used to describe a application which has stolen code in it or just used to describe a person who actively steals code from different places.

    • Examples:

      • "lol monkeskid is a skid"

      • "seggshacker69 is a skid"

      • "bro that guy skidded!!!"

  • Obfuscation - Obfuscation is an action in which a Developer of a software makes the bytecode of the JAR file unreadable and incoherent. This makes the JAR file harder to crack or reverse engineer. If a file is not obfuscated it is vulnerable to decompilers such as Recaf in which the entire source code of your software can be leaked and posted online.

  • Deobfuscation - Deobfuscation is an action to reverse obfuscated files to attempt to revert an obfuscated file to the original state, before it was obfuscated. Deobfuscators will do several things to make a obfuscated file understandable. Such things may be string decryption, and flow obfuscation removal.

  • Newfag - Newfag is a derogatory term used to describe new players to anarchy. There are also more terms like this such as Fitfag, Oldfag, Spawnfag, and the list goes on.

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