Wurst+2 & Wurst+3

Everything you need to know about Wurst+2 and Wurst+3

Wurst+2: https://github.com/TrvsF/wurstplus-two

Wurst+3: https://github.com/TrvsF/wurst-plus-three

Important Information

Latest public version (Wurst+2): v1

Latest public version (Wurst+3): v0.4.0

Price: Free

Is Safe: Wurst+2 is safe, Wurst+3 unconfirmed

Developer: Travis


Wurst+2 was a 2b2t client only used for its excellent AutoCrystal. It was developed by Travis until it was eventually leaked and open sourced. The client was skidded from a old BOPE base but a lot of the code has been rewritten by Travis.

Wurst+3 is a completely brand new open source client also developed by Travis. It has a completely new base and has much better UI and modules then Wurst+2. The Wurst+3 AutoCrystal is said to be step up from Wurst+2 in every department. The Wurst+3 Discord server already has nearly 1k members as of 5/1/2021.

A shitpost message also was spammed in the Wurst+3 discord

this account has been token logged by travis. 顶部的per download wurst-plus-three是安全的 emp搞砸

Last updated