General FAQ

The real deal.

Welcome to the r/minecraftclients FAQ.

This page has been completely written by OMA#4918. Please do thank him.

  • What is the best safe client for anarchy servers?

    • KAMI Blue is widely regarded as the best client for anarchy servers, however it mostly comes down to personal preference.

  • What is the best blatant client for Hypixel?

    • The best blatant client for Hypixel is Astolfo, which costs $40. The best free one is probably SpicyClient.

  • What is the best ghost client for Hypixel?

    • The best paid ghost client for Hypixel is arguably Vape. Itami is also considered the best free ghost client by some people.

  • Best [client here] AutoCrystal Config for [insert ping here]?

    • This isn't a question that can be effectively answered. Everyone has their own unique playstyle as such a certain config isn't the best config for you. The best way to find the best config for you is to turn on FakePlayer and then manually adjust the AutoCrystal settings until you are satisfied with it.

  • Is Phobos a RAT? Where can I find the safe versions?

  • Is [Insert client name here] a RAT?

  • How can I learn programming?

    • Assuming you are asking how you can learn programming to make Minecraft clients and mods, then you should learn Java. Do keep in mind skidding isn't going to get you anywhere. If you know how to make the certain thing you want, don't skid even if you only want to do it to save time writing the entire thing out. A good place to start learning the basics of Java is from Codeacademy or from ProgrammingWithMosh, after that get familiar with MCP by watching Intent Stores tutorials. You should then read the documentation on Mixins, the Forge MDK/API and study the Turok and PanelStudio. Turok and PanelStudio are ClickGUI libraries. In order to protect your applications from reverse engineering or source leaking make sure to use a good obfuscator. It is not recommended to use JObf (Obfuscator by superblaubeere) or ProGuard as it is easy to deobfuscate and reverse engineer. You might want to research obfuscators such as Binscure or qProtect. If you would like to protect your application with a authentication system, this might help you out.

  • Why do people cheat on servers?

    • There isn't really a specific reason. If someone is blatant cheating, then they either cheat for fun or they want to piss off 9 year olds. If someone is ghost cheating however, they probably want to make people think that they are better then they really are. For example, YouTubers may cheat in order to produce content faster and get more recognition.

  • What is the difference between ghost cheating and blatant cheating?

    • Ghost cheating is when someone uses a client in an attempt to gain a small advantage over people who are not cheating. Some ghost client modules may include AutoClicker, AimAssist and Velocity. Most people ghost cheat in order to create the illusion that they are good at the game. If you are ghost cheating you most likely do not want to be caught cheating so many tactics are used to prevent that. Blatant cheating on the other hand is extremely easy to detect (By staff of course, many blatant clients have bypasses for the servers anticheat) Blatant client modules may include Fly, BHop, Killaura, TargetStrafe and Scaffold. The reason why this type of cheating is called blatant cheating is due to the fact that everyone knows you aren't legit.

Last updated